
What does "öper" mean?

oper 39099 operationenduringfreedom 5468 operatorsgonnaoperate 4630 operationmassthetics 3457 öper-im 13069 operaaustralia 5090 operasiplastik 5010 operação 12629 operasky 8900 operative 10676 operalife 9739 operahouse 672520 operate 11219 operacionverano 6371 operatie 6711 operador 6698 operaviva 19213 operators 19161 operasyon 18975 operation 303531 operationwakeup 5998 operapop 16560 operada 9274 operativa 4946 operanightclub 18572 operaclub 7917 operaçõesespeciais 3521 operationroom 5087 operationgetlean 6324 opernball 4415 operacake 18157 operaen 29206 opernhaus 7141 operating 16073 operando 5213 operaatl 4511 operacao 4365 operativi 13354 operatingsystem 4870 operación 14299 operacion 27213 operatic 5745 operativo 14339 operated 4114 operationgetdiced 6302 operationbooty 4129 operasaturdays 4038 operationchristmaschild 60843 operasi 20590 operationkindness 4707 operationloveyourself 48051 operacoesespeciais 5979 operagarnier 52926 operationbikinibody 5464
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