
didn-ttheytellyouthatiwasasavage 3656 didn-tthinkthisthrough 2071 didn-tcatchathing 2536 didn-twanttogetup 2402 didn-tseeyouthere 2289 didn-otdisappoint 2820 didn-tgetitfromme 2821 didn-tbrushmyhair 2222 didn-tmakethecut 5383 didn-tevenknowit 5221 didn-tknow 13884 didn-tcare 10781 didn-otwakeuplikethis 4090 didn-twin 14429 didn-tcry 15766 didn-thurt 18590 didn-tevenhavetousemyak 2513 didn-tburnthehousedown 3007 didn-texpectthis 2572 didn-tdoit 5435 didn-tlast 2493 didn-tseethiscoming 2155 didn-tgoasplanned 1838 didn-tfinish 3733 didn-texpectthat 4684 didn-twork 33224 didn-twanttocomehome 2200 didn-tcatchanything 5381 didn-tfall 14588 didn-tevenflinch 2125 didn-twakeuplikethis 3184 didn-tevenhurt 10204 didn-tstop 2583 didn-tsignupforthis 2335 didn-thavetousemyak 2279 didn-tfalloff 3653 didn-thelp 2204 didn-tevennotice 3721 didn-tevenknow 7574 didn-tdie 27736 didn-twantittoend 6150 didn-thurtatall 1914 didn-tevenplanit 6138 didn-tthinkso 15915 didn-tcatchshit 3659 didn-eyworl 8172 didn-tgiveup 5223 didn-tlikeit 5120
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